In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, small business owners face a myriad of challenges in staying competitive and relevant. One of the most transformative technologies reshaping the online business world is Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Brentwood Visual News and Tips
Driving traffic to your website (you may not be doing it right!)
Everyone wants to drive traffic to their website, and everyone wants that traffic to turn into paying customers. But sitting there waiting for that traffic to appear isn't a great approach.
Most marketing techniques fall into one of two very broad categories. Push marketing involves techniques that get your message out in front of the customer to make an impression on them. Pull marketing is creating content that is sitting there waiting for the customer to come find it. Without a well-designed strategy, we find that most business owners tend to focus on pull marketing. While this is important, without the balancing approach of push marketing you are not likely to see the results you are looking for.
Is SEO really the solution you're looking for?
Sometimes a buzzword seems to define an entire industry. In digital marketing, that buzzword seems to be SEO. When I introduce myself to someone and say I'm a digital marketer, the most common response is “Oh, you do SEO!”
Well yes, we do SEO. Oftentimes we’ll have a customer contact us asking for SEO, but when we dig into their needs we discover that SEO isn’t really what they’re looking for, and it’s often not the best solution.
Building Brand Authority Through Your Blog
At Brentwood Visual, we’re big on blogging. The blog is the single most useful tool in our marketing strategy, and the content created there is interwoven throughout your entire marketing campaign, from social media to improved SEO.
What’s in a Name?
Choosing the right domain name for your business These websites and the companies behind them are all household names, but take yourself back to the day when you first heard them. Google? What’s a Google? Yahoo sounds more like you’re cheering for your favorite team.
Today, nobody has any trouble identifying these companies, but that is the result of massive, multi-million dollar branding and marketing campaigns. For the average business, such a campaign is out of reach, so it’s important to spend more than a few minutes deciding on a good domain name for your website. In this article, I’ll walk you through some of the factors I take into account when I’m helping a client choose their domain name.